
A smart WordPress design team has 7 years experience
  • Quam semper libero euismod ipsum nam euismod commodo accumsan


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sed metus id mi convallis dictum. Morbi lacinia tortor quis lectus pharetra gravida. Phasellus quis diam sed lorem vestibulum ornare ut suscipit massa. Mauris suscipit, lacus sodales imperdiet tincidunt, nisl purus congue quam, in ullamcorper elit purus vel mi.


    Donec sit amet dolor eu ipsum malesuada euismod id ut ipsum. Ut metus felis, porta volutpat tincidunt sed, convallis interdum tellus.


    Duis eget diam sit amet magna lacinia tempor. Nam malesuada pharetra ante vel tincidunt. Praesent consectetur enim nec nisi commodo dignissim. Donec sit amet dolor eu ipsum malesuada euismod id ut ipsum. Ut metus felis, porta volutpat tincidunt sed, convallis interdum tellus.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sed metus id mi convallis dictum.




    [col size="one_half" text_align="center"]Donec iaculis est ac ante cursus non tristique tellus hendrerit. Nunc pellentesque nisi sed sapien gravida in luctus mi fermentum. Integer id quam elit, at bibendum odio. Fusce rutrum quam ac nunc tempus nec mollis lorem vehicula[/col] [col size="one_half_last" text_align="center"]Donec iaculis est ac ante cursus non tristique tellus hendrerit. Nunc pellentesque nisi sed sapien gravida in luctus mi fermentum. Integer id quam elit, at bibendum odio. Fusce rutrum quam ac nunc tempus nec mollis lorem vehicula.[/col]
  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

  • What is the difference between a Font and a Typeface?

    “A Gerbil is nothing like a Hamster, Hamsters for a start like to live alone and seem to wake up when you go to sleep. Gerbils on the other hand are the complete opposite, they are happiest in groups and love being active, chewing and gnawing at the bars till you play with them.”

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  • 10 CSS shorthand techniques you’ll use everyday

    CSS shortland is a technique of writing mulitple declarations and values in a single line of CSS code. The advantages of using shorthand is to primarily reduce the CSS file size, but there are other benefits. A bloated and disorganised stylesheet can be hard to debug if you encounter problems, especially if you wrote it and another unfortunate colleage has to fix it while your away sunning it in some hot climate.

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  • 15 Major Brands Rebrand

    We follow on the theme of rebranding by major brands by having a quick roundup. Following on from the calamitous Pepsi rebrand here are 20 rebrands that have taken place over the last few months, let us know what floats your boat.

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  • The Designer’s Cross-Training Toolkit

    I watched a TV documentary the other day about a professional soccer player. As well as his normal soccer training he mixed in training in other sports like boxing and yoga and I thought this sounded a bit odd. Why would somebody that earns his (considerable) daily bread playing soccer spend time learning and training in areas that are not directly related to his profession?

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